Why Does Wine Taste Better With Age?

Why Does Wine Taste Better With Age?

Wine is a classic alcoholic beverage that has been enjoyed by humans for many years and has a long history. In contrast to the majority of other drinks, wine becomes better with age, making it yet another one of its distinctive qualities. So, what is it about wine that allows it to improve with age in terms of flavour? In this article, we will investigate the scientific reasons why wine develops a more excellent flavour with time. We also go through some advice on how to properly store your vintage wine so that it may develop its flavour over time in an elegant way.

What Causes Wine to Taste Better as It Ages?

Sugars, acids, and phenolic compounds are some of the components that make up wine. Wine also contains a variety of other substances. These chemical components go through a complicated chemical transformation as the wine matures; this transformation is known as the Maillard process. This process leads to the development of new flavour compounds, which add to the complex taste and fragrance of aged wine.

These flavour compounds also contribute to the complexity of the wine’s colour. Additionally, as wine ages, the tannins in the wine, which are responsible for the wine’s characteristically astringent flavour, eventually degrade, causing the wine to become softer and more subdued.

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How Wine Colour Changes With Age

The colour of wine may shift as it matures as well. The colour of young wine tends to be quite a bit more vibrant, whereas the colour of aged wine tends to be more subdued. The same chemical processes that contribute to the taste of old wine are also responsible for this effect. The vivid hues of fresh wine gradually lose their intensity as the wine ages, and the tannins in it degrade. 

Additionally, when phenolic chemicals in wine react with one another to generate new molecules, the colour of the wine is altered as a direct result of this process.

Tips for Storing Wine for Ageing

There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to age wine to ensure that it does so tastefully. The following are some wine storage tips:

  • Wine must be kept in a cold, dark location. Wine may be damaged by temperatures that are too warm or too cold.
  • Wine should be kept on its side to keep the cork wet. If the cork becomes dry, oxygen may enter the bottle and ruin the wine.
  • Wine should be kept in a regulated humidity condition. Additionally, excessive or inadequate humidity may harm the wine.
  • Wine should not be kept in an area with strong scents since these odors might be transferred to the wine.
  • Wine should be kept in a wine cellar, wine refrigerator, or any other controlled environment meeting the aforementioned criteria.

Wine is a complex beverage that, because of the Maillard reaction and other chemical reactions, improves with age. If you want to mature your wine, keep it in a relaxed, dark, and humidity-controlled setting. Following these guidelines will help your wine develop nicely and whenever you’re ready, be sure to share with friends! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! Your Wine Your Way is a lifestyle blog about some of the finer things in life.